AwShit Fruit Cups 

For your next backyard BBQ, pool party, or really any summertime entertaining, skip the boring fruit salad and show up with something healthy and refreshing with a little bite to it. Remember to keep the AwShit handy in case anyone is brave enough to add more! 


* 3 mangoes
* 1 cantaloupe
* 1 seedless watermelon
* 1 pineapple
* 4 limes, cut into wedges
* AwShit
* 8 cups for serving


1. Cut the fruit into bite-sized chunks and put into a large bowl. Set 8 lime wedges aside for garnish, and squeeze the juice from the rest of the lime wedges all over the fruit. Toss to evenly coat the fruit and to mix it up.
2. Place the mixed fruit into each cup. Sprinkle with AwShit.